What We Do

A custom Android app can do wonders for you ,your company ,your students ,your brand,even your kids whether you’re using it for employee productivity, as a social engagement mechanism, or as a way to facilitate learning through mobile video games.

KJ Games is experienced in building a wide array of social apps, productivity apps, games, and ecommerce apps for brands around South Africa and the world. Our focus is on effective design, cutting edge technology, and cost-effectiveness throughout our development process,makes us a great choice for people looking to leverage themselves through mobile technology.

Feel free to email us or contact us for further information on app development or 2D advertisements for you or your company with any questions or concerns.

Why Choose [KJ Games]?

We pride ourselves on three things:
1. Sticking to project timelines
2. Being cost-effective
3. Building great apps for every client
Our team of mobile app developers are experienced in building beautifully designed,
technically advanced Android apps, and our knowledge of HTML, C, and C++ gives us the flexibility to build exactly what you’re looking for.


  • Educational games / Apps for your educational institutions or schools.
  • We create Platform games as gifts for kids (Children are the hero /protagonist of game)……or YOU no judgement
  • Send Birthday invites /Special Occasions as digital invites in the form of Mobile Games or on PC / HMTL5.

2D Animations

We design 2D animation videos for:

  • Commercials
  • Youtube
  • Educational short videos
  • Explainer videos
  • Intro videos
  • Birthday massages (person or persons face in videos)

Check Out SouthAfricanYoutubesChannel on youtube!!

Contact Us

For queries and pricings:

Contact us on whatsapp : (+27) 621 271 233

Social Media

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Blog at WordPress.com.

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